Archive for November, 2013

deck-hens lovebirds prayershawl dinner2

It’s been a wonderful time of family visits.  A week after the gathering of all five of our sons, their wives, and two grandchildren, Jim and Arlene flew in from Colorado and Eleanor, Justin & Katherine (recently engaged!!) arrived by train from New York City.  Highlights included eating together at home and at our two local breweries, the AT suspension bridge over the Tye River, Monika’s presenting Arlene with a prayer shawl she’d made, and hanging out with our flock of hens.

click here for more pictures

Monika celebrating her 66th birthday with our five sons,
their wives, and her youngest two grandchildren (pictured
below exploring a straw fort and collecting eggs in the hen house)

cody-strawfort  paityn-eggs

click here for lots more pictures with captions by Moni!

which happened to be Halloween